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FF Mania masuk ke SINI!!!!!!

hatake kakashi
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FF Mania masuk ke SINI!!!!!! - Page 4 Empty Re: FF Mania masuk ke SINI!!!!!!

Post by Matsu_Mitsui 28th June 2007, 3:45 pm

FF 9 y?

weeei tu FF keren bgt,Matsu sk ma strorynya....^^

matsu paling suka endingnya,...pas si garnet lari nyusul zidane...
klu matsu perhatiin, garnet tu nungguin zidane lama bgt yah..abis dari rambutnya pendek sampe panjang lagi -____-a
Melting Ice
Melting Ice

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FF Mania masuk ke SINI!!!!!! - Page 4 Empty Re: FF Mania masuk ke SINI!!!!!!

Post by Veedragon 28th June 2007, 10:15 pm

pake sampo penumbuh rambut kali... Very Happy

Shadow: Kaset rusak? Ato macet pas FMV? Klo macet pas FMV, ada cara jitunya: buka penutup PS, trus tutup lagi dengan cepat. Tuh buat skip FMV biar gak macet Very Happy (hanya bisa di FF9 n 7 klo gak salah. FF8 gak mempan diginiin... T_T )

Ice Block
Ice Block

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FF Mania masuk ke SINI!!!!!! - Page 4 Empty Re: FF Mania masuk ke SINI!!!!!!

Post by shadow_queen 29th June 2007, 1:15 pm

FMV apa yah Ve??
eh tp klo ff GBA cmn ada Tactics doank?
Tower Of Ice
Tower Of Ice

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FF Mania masuk ke SINI!!!!!! - Page 4 Empty Re: FF Mania masuk ke SINI!!!!!!

Post by erlinwin 3rd July 2007, 2:12 pm

zidane pergi begitu lama karena ada urusan tertentu. mungkin masalah lifa tree. ngomong lifa tree sama ya dengan ff5. final boss di ff5 void dan ff9 nothing. tapi musuhnya ini sama tempatnya dipohon. katanya ff9 diambil dari cerita legend of mana....
Ice Block
Ice Block

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FF Mania masuk ke SINI!!!!!! - Page 4 Empty Re: FF Mania masuk ke SINI!!!!!!

Post by shadow_queen 3rd July 2007, 2:23 pm

legend of mana, kok bisa?
Tower Of Ice
Tower Of Ice

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FF Mania masuk ke SINI!!!!!! - Page 4 Empty Re: FF Mania masuk ke SINI!!!!!!

Post by erlinwin 13th July 2007, 11:46 am

katanya cerita tentang lifa tree itu ada di legend of mana. taukan yang pohon mana?. btw, aq penasaran gimana keadaan kuja. apa mati atau masih idup?setelah kejadian di lifa tree dan zidane lgsg menyusul kuja, tau-tau sudah loncat ke be2rapa taun kemudian saat garnet mengundang kembali grup tantulus untuk memainkan opera " I want 2 be ur canary".dan disitulah zidane bertemu kembali dengan garnet....

tapi aq menemukan cerita ini, yang menceritakan nasib kuja saat kejadian di lifa tree tersebut.

Kesempatan kedua Kuja

Lifa Tree mulai mengamuk. Zidane memutuskan untuk tinggal. dia hanya berpikir untuk menolong keluarga satu-satunya yg dia punya. Ranting pohon sudah menggila. Dia mengindari ranting2 tsb sampai akhirnya menemukan kuja. Kuja kehabisan Trance. tetapi lukanya terlihat parah. fisik sama mentalnya. Zidane membungkuk dan mengangkat kepala saudaranya. “Kuja panggil nagamu, ini satu2nya jalan untuk keluar dari sini!" Mata Kuja sedikit terbuka. Dia tersenyum sinis ke adiknya yaitu Zidane.

“Qta berdua akan mati disini Zidane. Bskah kau lihat? Lihat bagaimana semuanya mendekati qta. jadi adikku sayang kamu tidak harus memperdebatkan. matilah bersama kakakmu ini.”

“Sial Kuja aku tak mau mati dan begitu jg kau.” Zidane menangis sambil mengguncangkan Kuja. Berpikir bahwa dia bisa mengguncangkan kesadarannya. “Aku tau seseorang yang bs menolongmu. Ayolah Kuja jangan mati, Aku ingin kau menjadi kakakku. Kau adalah satu-satunya keluarga kandungku.” Ranting2 mendekati mrk. Kuja menutup mata. “Sial Kuja bangunlah.” Zidane mulai membangunkannya lagi. Sebelum Zidane tau apa yang terjadi, sesuatu berwarna keperakan dengan cepat mencengkram mrk sebelum mrk tercekik. Zidane menaiki naga sambil membawa kuja. Dia menaruh Kuja di belakang punggung naga. Mata Kuja terbuka lagi. Dia tersenyum sinis. Zidane menggelengkan kepalanya. “selalu membuat tegang.” Kuja tertawa mengejek dan batuk pada saat yang sama. “Perintahkan nagamu untuk membawa qta ke Lindblum.” Jika Kuja memerintahkannya atau tidak, naga itu sepertinya akan menuju ke arah sana.
Ice Block
Ice Block

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FF Mania masuk ke SINI!!!!!! - Page 4 Empty Re: FF Mania masuk ke SINI!!!!!!

Post by erlinwin 13th July 2007, 12:50 pm

Sambungan 2 (Kesempatan Kedua Kuja)

Aya ada dikamarnya, sedang menulis surat ke ibunya yang berada di Alexandria. Aya begitu kecil dan ramping. Dia mempunyai warna rambut burgundy (?) sepanjang pinggangnya. Dia memakai jaket panjang berwarna tanah hitam dengan tanpa lengan baju. diikat kedepan dengan seutas kulit. Dia memakai celana kulit merah dan sepatu hitam sampai lutut. Satu2nya perhiasan asli yg dia pake adalah bracers (?) hitam diatas lengan dan pergelangan tangan. Dia mengeluh atas fakta bahwa surat yang dia buat telah selesai dan semuanya bohong. Dia tdk menikmati menjadi prajurit di Lindlum. Dia merasa terganggu dengan derangan pedang di sisinya. Ibunya tidak percaya dengan penggunaan Sihir. Walaupun dia dilahirkan dengan kekuatan white magic. Setiap keluarga harus jadi Prajurit/knight. Itu artinya adik laki2nya akan segera bergabung. Aya menggosok pi2nya seperti ingat akan waktu ibunya memergokin dia membawa buku mantra.Ibunya merebut buku itu dan menampar pi2nya. “Aku tdk ingin menjadi prajurit. Tujuanku adalah mempelajari sihir. Mengapa kau selalu mengontrol hidupku? Aku tdk pernah melihat kau memperlakukan Fuyuki seperti itu.” Aya merasakan kepedihan saat ibunya membenturkan wajahnya. Aya menaruh tangannya ke pi2nya yang perih. Tangisan dan Cucuran air mata di wajahnya. Ibunya berdiri dan menatapnya dengan penuh kemarahan.

“Mages itu lemah. Krn itulah kau lemah. Jika kamu bs, keluar saja dari keluarga ini.” Ibunya menarik rambutnya dan mendorongnya keluar. “ Atau ini akan memberimu pelajaran untuk tdk membuat nama keluarga menjadi buruk.” Secercah cahaya keperakan keluar dari jaketnya.

Aya menggoyangkan kepalanya untuk kembali ke dlm kenyataan. “Itulah yg kau pikir.” Bola api muncul ditangannya. Dia membiarkan menggelinding diatas jarinya dgn mudah. “Suatu saat sang pangeran akan datang kpdku.” Dia bersikap ramah setiap waktu. Tidak ada satupun dr mrk yang co2k dgn pikirannya. Mrk selalu mementingkan kekuatan daripd otak. Dan mrk tdk pernah berpikir dengan benar. Ada 1 mage yang tinggal di Sekitar Treno yang ingin dia ketemu. Tetapi Dia punya reputasi Iblis. “Dan kesempatannku dengan dia sangatlah tipis. Dari apa yang aq denger dia pasti sudah mati.” Pikirannya terpecah saat ada yang mengetok pintu. “Datanglah kembali aq sangat sibuk.”Sebenarnya dia tdk ingin bertemu siapapun.

“Aya ini aq Zidane! Buka pintunya Aku perlu bantuanmu!”

“Zidane!?” Aya loncat dari kursinya dan keluar dari kamarnya. Dia membuka pintu She opened the door dan hampir pingsan saat melihat naga keperakan didepan pintunya. Kepala binatang tersebut sepertickuda. ‘Uh Aku harap binatang itu jinak.’ Dia berpikir sendiri.

“Diatas Sini.” Teriak Zidane. Aya melihat keatas untuk bs melihat Zidane diatas naga. Zidane mulai turun. Dia menyadari bahwa Zidane tidak sendiri. “Tolonglah aq. Dia perlu pertolonganmu.” Dia menghampiri naga. Naga sedikit turun kebawah agar bs terjangkau olehnya. Zidane menggangkat seseorang. Aya berjalan hati2 diatas punggung naga. Aya melihat wajah orang itu dan terkejut.

“Zidane Bukan kah ini…”
Ice Block
Ice Block

Jumlah posting : 184
Age : 44
Registration date : 2007-02-12

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FF Mania masuk ke SINI!!!!!! - Page 4 Empty Re: FF Mania masuk ke SINI!!!!!!

Post by erlinwin 13th July 2007, 12:54 pm

Sambungan 3 (Kesempatan kedua kuja). silahkan translate sendiri, aq ga sempet translate, mau pergi kejakarta hari ini^^ bu bye

“I’ll answer everything after we get him inside. He bleeding badly I don’t know how much blood he’s lost. I need you to heal him.” Aya nodded and lifted the almost lifeless body up. The one name rang in her mind. ‘Kuja the evil mage.’ “Aya? Aya?!” Zidane broke her thoughts.

“Oh sorry let’s hurry to my house.” They stepped back on the dragon’s flank and were set back down on the ground. They carried him through the door and set Kuja on Aya’s bed. His breathing came in short gasps. His own life’s blood was seeping through his clothing. The long white sleeves were tattered and now a crimson color. The gold breastplate was beyond damaged. The only thing that was really intact was his black grieves covering all the way up to his thighs. “We need to get his clothing off and put him in...” Eyeing the strange assortment of clothing. “…something more comfortable. Zidane I think my brother left a pair of pants here. They should be in that drawer over there.” She pointed him to the direction the drawer. Zidane walked over to the drawer and started searching. Aya began removing Kuja’s clothing. Zidane walked back.

“Uh wouldn’t it be better if I did that.” Seeing her strip away Kuja’s clothing like it was nothing. Aya turned around and raised an eyebrow.

“I’ve seen worse. You have to remember I was there when Brahn attacked the city.” Zidane nodded and Aya turned back to what she was doing. She saw something poking out from behind Kuja. It was a long silver and black striped tail. “Zidane he has a tail.” Looking at Zidane’s tail. “Like you only silver and striped.

“He’s my brother.” He said handing her the pants. Aya slipped them on Kuja.

“You can tell me the rest in a minute. We need to clean out the wounds. Go grab me rag.” She reached under bed and pulled out a bottle of alcohol. He handed her the rag. She ripped the cork out of the bottle with her teeth and poured the liquid onto the rag. Taking Kuja’s arm she began to clean out the wounds. They finally new he was still there because he started to scream out in pain. It wasn’t until Aya was almost complete with cleaning out his wounds that he started to cough and shake uncontrollably. “Not good he’s going in to shock. I have to risk doing this. It worked once. I hope it will work again.”

“What you going to do?” Zidane was getting worried.

“You’ll see hand me your dagger.” Zidane reluctantly handed Aya his dagger.

“You can’t be thinking of a blood transfusion. They’re still risky and you don’t have the proper tools either.”

“I know that. And I don’t need them.” Zidane understood. He knew there was only one way to save Kuja and that was Aya’s way. “I need you to hold him down and keep his mouth open.” Zidane pinned Kuja’s shoulders down into the bed and slightly opened his mouth. Seeing that done Aya set to work. Closing her eyes she began to chant a cure spell. Her body began to shimmer with a blue light. Taking the dagger to her wrist she cut it open. Blood began to pour out. She let the blood pour into Kuja’s mouth. The blood was shimmering with the blue light. To Zidanes’ amazement, Kuja’s wounds stopped bleeding and began to close up. Kuja stopped shaking, his breathing became regular and he trailed off into a natural sleep. Zidane let him go. He stood back up and gave Aya his childish smile.

“That’s truly amazing Aya.” Aya smiled back and took a bandage and began to wrap her wrist up. She then took the rag she used to clean Kuja’s to clean Zidane’s dagger and promptly handed it back to him. He stuck it back in his holster. He looked back at Kuja. “So is he going to be alright?”

“Yes he’s going to fully recover. Right now he’s just sleeping. God knows when he actually really slept sense the whole war started.” Zidane nodded in agreement.

“I know I haven’t.” He took off his gloves and scratched his sandy blond hair. Aya sighed and stretched her back.

“You want to tell me what happened? I thought you didn’t even have family?” She said during mid stretch.

“I said I didn’t know who my family was. It was more ironic to find out that the one who started this whole mess is my older brother.” Zidane pulled up a chair and sat himself down. “You might want to sit down, it’s a long story. But actually it’s kind of a short one.” He laughed at the joke he made. Aya just pulled up a chair and sat down, crossing her arms in front of her chest.

“So he’s your older brother. By how many years?”

“Let’s see I’m nineteen and he’s twenty-four. So then it would be.” He counted on his fingers. “He’s five years older then me.” Aya nodded. Kuja slept peacefully on the bed. Zidane began to laugh. “That’s the first time I have ever seen peace on his face.”

“So are you going to tell me what has been happening these past months.” Aya began to shift in her seat uncomfortably. Zidane told her the story of what happened sense the attack on Lindblum. How queen Brahn met her untimely death. “I heard about her death. How Kuja killed her, using the power of the eidolon Bahamet. So that means Princess Garnet ascended the throne.”

“Well she was until Kuja attacked the city using Bahamet again. Garnet and Eiko discovered the castle was another eidolon. Alexander to be exact.”

“The holy eidolon of legend. I thought they were a child’s tale until Brahn attacked the city with them.” She shuttered every time she remembered that day. Zidane continued he told about when they discovered another world. A world called Terra and the city he was created.

“We found this city called Bran Bal. I saw this girl that looked just like me. We followed her into that city. That’s where I discovered I was born there. This was my home.” He shook his head as it pained him. He continued with telling her about Garlands’ plan. Kuja losing control of himself and Trancing. “Kuja destroyed Terra with the power of his Trance. All we could do was take the rest of the geo-gnomes with us and bored the his shop the Invincible.” He continued on to were they found the Lifa tree all deranged with evil, They discovered the inside was a place called Memoria. “Everyone had their memories shown in this world.” He finished the story with the destruction of Necron, the Lifa tree and finding Kuja near death. “In the end I brought him to you.” Aya frowned and let it all sink in. It was a lot to bear down. She uncrossed her arms and scratched her head. She then noticed how big of a mess Zidane was. His hair was no longer tied back. His lace collar looked more like pieces of thread. His shirt was torn and there were many rips in the knees of his pants. He was cut and bruised just about everywhere.

“You look like you’ve been run over by a chocobo.”

“Well that happened to me a couple times.” He chuckled nervously. “Actually when I went to save Kuja the Lifa tree seemed to be closing in on it self and I fell with it”

“Let me heal those wounds then.” She started to place her hand on his forehead. He promptly removed it from him.

“Save your strength. I’m more worried about then him…” He motioned over to Kuja. “…then I am with myself.” He stood up from his chair. “ I need to go find Tantalus any ways. I don’t want them to think I am really dead. Blank would never forgive me for that.”

“So you need me to take care of Kuja for awhile?”

“Please if you could?”

“Alright but I’m not very good with hiding people.”

“You’re not really hiding him. You’re taking care of him for my sake.” Aya nodded. Zidane grabbed his gloves and began to put them back on. “I’m going to go hide the dragon. I’m sure Kuja will know how to find it.” He began to leave. Then turned around. “Aya thanks for taking care of him. You don’t know how much I appreciate this. He’s the only family I have left.” Aya noticed that there were tears running down his face. Aya ran up to Zidane and hugged him. She called a cure spell before he could react. She let him go and smiled. His wounds began to disappear. She playfully shoved him.

“You’re a guy you’re not supposed to cry.” He laughed and wiped the tears away from his face.

“Thanks I think I have my dignity back.” He bowed and went out the door. Aya watched him leave then quietly shut the door. She went back to her room and looked at the sleeping Kuja on her bed. Aya grabbed the rest of the bandages and began to cover the wounds that hadn’t healed completely.

“They should be healed by tomorrow. Better safe then sorry.” She said to herself as she finished covering Kuja’s arm. She brushed a strand of his silver hair away from his face. “I have never seen someone this young with this color hair.” Admiring his hair color. She stared at him for the longest time. Aya then realized she lost her train of thought and the time. She looked at the clock it was after two-thirty in the morning. She took a blanket and covered him. She then grabbed a chair and set it next to the bed. She sat in it and continued to watch Kuja sleep. Resting her chin in her hand her eyes began to close. “No I can’t go to sleep now. What if he wakes up in before morning? He won’t know what to do.” Her body wouldn’t listen. It refused to stay awake. Aya finally gave in and drifted off to sleep.
Ice Block
Ice Block

Jumlah posting : 184
Age : 44
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FF Mania masuk ke SINI!!!!!! - Page 4 Empty Re: FF Mania masuk ke SINI!!!!!!

Post by rinslet 14th February 2008, 2:46 pm

kok yg dibahas FF IX trs,emg gak ada yg main FF di PS2 (X,X-2,XII)?kl ada yg main X-2,ada yg tahu umur Baralai brp?
Melting Ice
Melting Ice

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FF Mania masuk ke SINI!!!!!! - Page 4 Empty Re: FF Mania masuk ke SINI!!!!!!

Post by Cecyleea 13th March 2008, 7:23 pm

Soalnya yang paling terkenal pas jaman2nya di PS1 sih ^^ wkwkwkwkwkkk...

Yg di PS 2 emang bagus sih, tapi gx bgtu booming kayak yg PS 1 ^^
Invierno Corazon
Invierno Corazon

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FF Mania masuk ke SINI!!!!!! - Page 4 Empty Re: FF Mania masuk ke SINI!!!!!!

Post by hatake kakashi 17th March 2008, 10:23 am

hmm..bukannya di ps1 yg paling terkenal n fenomenal tuh FFVII??
hatake kakashi
hatake kakashi
Immortal Ice Galaxian
Immortal Ice Galaxian

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FF Mania masuk ke SINI!!!!!! - Page 4 Empty Re: FF Mania masuk ke SINI!!!!!!

Post by rinslet 31st March 2008, 9:29 am

sepertinya.habis melenceng dari tema FF (zaman pertengahan dan kristal) dan ceritanya kompleks.liat aja dikembangin jd brp cerita (FF VII:AC,DoC,Crisis Core)
Melting Ice
Melting Ice

Jumlah posting : 28
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FF Mania masuk ke SINI!!!!!! - Page 4 Empty Re: FF Mania masuk ke SINI!!!!!!

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