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Ferry McDohl
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Post by Cecyleea 19th February 2007, 3:17 pm

Oke ^^
disini bebas untuk chatting ato kirim2 pesan sesama member...
asal jangan ngeflame ya...
hav fun
Invierno Corazon
Invierno Corazon

Jumlah posting : 427
Age : 33
Localisation : Osaka, japan
Registration date : 2006-12-17

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Chat box Empty Re: Chat box

Post by angelo 19th February 2007, 3:24 pm

hehe.. cecil siggynya kata2 zhang he ya? wah, bisa2 membangkitkan pgobia hatake nih.. lol!
Tower Of Ice
Tower Of Ice

Jumlah posting : 793
Age : 33
Localisation : Piazza San Angelo, North Pole
Registration date : 2007-01-13

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Chat box Empty Re: Chat box

Post by Cecyleea 19th February 2007, 3:28 pm

lol! cuma ngetes siggy nya kluar apa enggak kok.....

tapi kan mantap tuh kata2 zhang he ^^
Invierno Corazon
Invierno Corazon

Jumlah posting : 427
Age : 33
Localisation : Osaka, japan
Registration date : 2006-12-17

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Chat box Empty Re: Chat box

Post by Veedragon 19th February 2007, 7:31 pm

maklum lah... kan ZhangHe Maniac Very Happy Very Happy

Jadi intinya... ini seperti thread "benar2 Free Talk" di HGO yah?? (pada zaman dahulu ada thread kayak gini di HGO, cuman dah tenggelam Very Happy )

Ice Block
Ice Block

Jumlah posting : 159
Age : 35
Registration date : 2006-12-17

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Chat box Empty Re: Chat box

Post by Yen Jing 19th February 2007, 9:07 pm

Btw gimana fanfic gw yang Heart Chocolate?

Buat summary nya dongz....! Biar tau....Heuehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehu
Yen Jing
Yen Jing
Melting Ice
Melting Ice

Jumlah posting : 63
Age : 29
Localisation : Di Gunung
Registration date : 2007-02-13

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Chat box Empty Re: Chat box

Post by Veedragon 19th February 2007, 10:49 pm

Walah... malah promosi di sini..

Oh ya, jangan lupa baca n comment Cross Blade: The Legend of Twin Blade karangan gw ya!! Udah seri 20an lho!! Very Happy --> promosi juga

Yen Jing: Comment story gw donk... kan punya loe dah gw comment berkali2... coba gw gak comment, pasti dikacangin deh Very Happy

Ice Block
Ice Block

Jumlah posting : 159
Age : 35
Registration date : 2006-12-17

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Chat box Empty Re: Chat box

Post by hatake kakashi 20th February 2007, 9:30 am

angelo wrote:hehe.. cecil siggynya kata2 zhang he ya? wah, bisa2 membangkitkan pgobia hatake nih.. lol! takut niii....(sambil lari ngumpet Hit )
hatake kakashi
hatake kakashi
Immortal Ice Galaxian
Immortal Ice Galaxian

Jumlah posting : 3062
Age : 38
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Registration date : 2007-01-20

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Chat box Empty Re: Chat box

Post by Yen Jing 20th February 2007, 6:39 pm

Iya, masalahnya gw kan dah reply, lo belum reply tuh napa?
Gw jadi dikacangin nih....Heuehuehuehuehuehu
Yen Jing
Yen Jing
Melting Ice
Melting Ice

Jumlah posting : 63
Age : 29
Localisation : Di Gunung
Registration date : 2007-02-13

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Chat box Empty Re: Chat box

Post by Cecyleea 22nd February 2007, 2:51 pm

aduh..aduh...jangan promosi yang dari web forum laen dong...
promosiin winter aja biar tambah rame..

hatake: sini u gw kejer!! Hit
Invierno Corazon
Invierno Corazon

Jumlah posting : 427
Age : 33
Localisation : Osaka, japan
Registration date : 2006-12-17

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Chat box Empty Re: Chat box

Post by Veedragon 22nd February 2007, 8:50 pm

Yen Jing: Kacang goreng mahal nih?? Very Happy Very Happy OK2... ntar gw reply deh... cuman sekarang HGOnya lagi lemot abiss...

Cecil: Promosiin winter?? Boleh... ntar gw pasang di siggy deh linknya Very Happy (siggy gw di HGO isinya link semua Very Happy )

Kakashi: Emang ada apa dengan Zhang He?? Very Happy

Ice Block
Ice Block

Jumlah posting : 159
Age : 35
Registration date : 2006-12-17

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Chat box Empty Re: Chat box

Post by Cecyleea 23rd February 2007, 12:13 pm

lol! okeh...makasi!
ntar bagi yang berhasil ngajakin banyak orang, gw kasi hadiah ^^
Invierno Corazon
Invierno Corazon

Jumlah posting : 427
Age : 33
Localisation : Osaka, japan
Registration date : 2006-12-17

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Chat box Empty Re: Chat box

Post by Ferry McDohl 23rd February 2007, 12:56 pm

ni forum gw pasang di google aja gimana?
Ferry McDohl
Ferry McDohl
Ice Block
Ice Block

Jumlah posting : 195
Age : 36
Localisation : CiTy oF rAiN
Registration date : 2007-02-11

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Chat box Empty Re: Chat box

Post by Cecyleea 25th February 2007, 9:31 am

Mmm.... kayaknya boleh deh.... biar rame...
Gx tau deh menurut admin gimana...
Invierno Corazon
Invierno Corazon

Jumlah posting : 427
Age : 33
Localisation : Osaka, japan
Registration date : 2006-12-17

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Chat box Empty Re: Chat box

Post by FYDRUSSEL99 25th February 2007, 6:25 pm

Ferry McDohl wrote:ni forum gw pasang di google aja gimana?

Kasih tau dong gimana caranya

kt admin takeforum ada yg gratis , ada yg bayar.

Yg gratis gimana ??? T.T
Melting Ice
Melting Ice

Jumlah posting : 41
Age : 37
Localisation : Floating Castle; Emphatya Sky Dranzeyr
Registration date : 2006-12-16

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Chat box Empty Re: Chat box

Post by angelo 26th February 2007, 2:54 pm

take forum itu apaan? ambil forum? iya, iya, siarin aja di google.. gw udah taruh di fs gw nih.. gw publikasikan.. tapi klo menurut gw sih ga akan ada yang merhatiin.. What a Face
Tower Of Ice
Tower Of Ice

Jumlah posting : 793
Age : 33
Localisation : Piazza San Angelo, North Pole
Registration date : 2007-01-13

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Chat box Empty Re: Chat box

Post by Masamune_Date 27th February 2007, 8:18 am

ngecek siggy ajah....
Crystal Ice Satue
Crystal Ice Satue

Jumlah posting : 320
Age : 35
Registration date : 2007-01-27

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Chat box Empty Re: Chat box

Post by hatake kakashi 27th February 2007, 1:05 pm

yeee...siggynya ga kluar... Hit
hatake kakashi
hatake kakashi
Immortal Ice Galaxian
Immortal Ice Galaxian

Jumlah posting : 3062
Age : 38
Localisation : konohagakure
Registration date : 2007-01-20

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Chat box Empty Re: Chat box

Post by Cecyleea 3rd March 2007, 9:04 am

cara buat ngeluarin siggy:
kalian mesti aktifin masing2 tiap ngepost....
pas ngereply, dibawah pilihan preview dan send ada box biru tulisannya pilihan
klik di tanda positifnya...
nah trus u checklist di lampirkan signatur...

pasti keluar deh ^^ coba...
Invierno Corazon
Invierno Corazon

Jumlah posting : 427
Age : 33
Localisation : Osaka, japan
Registration date : 2006-12-17

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Chat box Empty Re: Chat box

Post by Masamune_Date 3rd March 2007, 11:10 am

aduh...aduh...ngecek siggy lagi.....

ini mesti gini trus tiap kali ngepost???
Crystal Ice Satue
Crystal Ice Satue

Jumlah posting : 320
Age : 35
Registration date : 2007-01-27

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Chat box Empty Re: Chat box

Post by angelo 5th March 2007, 2:46 pm

haiyaaa.... date!!!! imut banget kucingnya.. dimasukin ke kertas gitu ampe muat.. pengen gw kekep tuh hucing... eh.. kucing >.<
Tower Of Ice
Tower Of Ice

Jumlah posting : 793
Age : 33
Localisation : Piazza San Angelo, North Pole
Registration date : 2007-01-13

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Chat box Empty Re: Chat box

Post by hatake kakashi 8th March 2007, 11:11 am

Veedragon wrote:Yen Jing: Kacang goreng mahal nih?? Very Happy Very Happy OK2... ntar gw reply deh... cuman sekarang HGOnya lagi lemot abiss...

Cecil: Promosiin winter?? Boleh... ntar gw pasang di siggy deh linknya Very Happy (siggy gw di HGO isinya link semua Very Happy )

Kakashi: Emang ada apa dengan Zhang He?? Very Happy
gini aja...lo bikin linknya ntar gw bantuin promosi ke forum laen deh g bs bikin link soalnya...

ada apa dgn zhang he?? ko cuman di forum HGO si cecyl suka nularin virus zhanghemaniac... ampe gw phobia...Hit Hit
hatake kakashi
hatake kakashi
Immortal Ice Galaxian
Immortal Ice Galaxian

Jumlah posting : 3062
Age : 38
Localisation : konohagakure
Registration date : 2007-01-20

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Chat box Empty Re: Chat box

Post by Veedragon 10th March 2007, 3:40 pm

lah... tinggal copy-paste tulisan di browsernya lah!! (Yang biasa http://dst dst...)
contoh: (ni ngopy dari tulisan di atas...)

trus hapus semua tulisan setelah ".com" jadi:

tuh tinggal dicopy n ditaruh di signature Very Happy

Ice Block
Ice Block

Jumlah posting : 159
Age : 35
Registration date : 2006-12-17

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Chat box Empty Re: Chat box

Post by angelo 11th March 2007, 9:28 am

kalian orang pada mau promosi di HGO bukan?
Tower Of Ice
Tower Of Ice

Jumlah posting : 793
Age : 33
Localisation : Piazza San Angelo, North Pole
Registration date : 2007-01-13

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Chat box Empty Re: Chat box

Post by hatake kakashi 13th March 2007, 10:44 am

Veedragon wrote:lah... tinggal copy-paste tulisan di browsernya lah!! (Yang biasa http://dst dst...)
contoh: (ni ngopy dari tulisan di atas...)

trus hapus semua tulisan setelah ".com" jadi:

tuh tinggal dicopy n ditaruh di signature Very Happy
ngg...maksud gw yg di siggy ada gbrnya, truss pas kursornya di gbr itu kita klik lsg nyambung ke situsnya...gituu...

kalian orang pada mau promosi di HGO bukan?
ga punya forum laen ko...
hatake kakashi
hatake kakashi
Immortal Ice Galaxian
Immortal Ice Galaxian

Jumlah posting : 3062
Age : 38
Localisation : konohagakure
Registration date : 2007-01-20

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Chat box Empty Re: Chat box

Post by Cecyleea 14th March 2007, 12:04 pm

Shocked forum laen? apaan?
Invierno Corazon
Invierno Corazon

Jumlah posting : 427
Age : 33
Localisation : Osaka, japan
Registration date : 2006-12-17

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